More ACTA Leaks: Would Create Special Organization To Manage Worldwide Copyright Laws

More ACTA Leaks: Would Create Special Organization To Manage Worldwide Copyright Laws: "The more of ACTA that leaks, the worse it seems. KEI has the details on another portion of ACTA that had not leaked yet, which focuses on setting up new institutions that would manage ACTA after it was implemented. Basically, it would be an ongoing organization tasked with continuing to update ACTA's rules -- sort of a parallel organization to WIPO, which already exists, but which has recently committed the mortal sin of actually listening to consumer rights groups. The scary part is that this group would be allowed to amend ACTA provisions on the fly. And, while this new organization can 'extend invitations' to governments, it's still being debated what non-governmental organizations will be able to take part. KEI notes that the 'USTR has told members of Congress it is their intention to marginalize the participation by consumer interest organizations in the new forum,' though does not provide a citation for this point.

Either way, it seems like the goal here is to create an extra-governmental body that effectively controls copyright law around the globe, with little input from the actual governments or the people they represent. And, of course, if the folks involved in ACTA negotiations are any indication of who will be involved in this group, you can assume that they will be strong supporters of the viewpoint of the legacy industries: that intellectual property law is designed solely to protect those industry's business models, and not to promote the wider progress of culture and the economy.

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