Install Multiple 'Bleeding Edge' Firefox Versions in Linux (LXer)
Install Multiple 'Bleeding Edge' Firefox Versions in Linux (LXer): "Over at LXer, H. Kwint looks at installing multiple Firefox versions on Linux. He also looks at some features in Firefox 3.7 alpha. 'As a last part of my journey into 'bleeding edge' Firefox I wanted to install the 'highly experimental' JaegerMonkey (JM) javascript (js) engine, slated to replace SpiderMonkey in the near future. The story is a bit complex, so here's my short version of it: Firefox comes with a js interpreter called SpiderMonkey - which is slow, and a highly optimizing engine called 'TraceMonkey' which is 'super awesome fast'. However, when something cannot be optimized by 'tracing' by TraceMonkey, Firefox falls back to interpreting using SpiderMonkey, and that's why javascript in Firefox is pretty slow sometimes. The people behind JM hope to solve this by means of 'replacing' the SpiderMonkey interpreter by using Apple Webkits 'Nitro' JIT (Just In Time compiler) instead of interpreting. So, when it makes sense, be 'super awesome fast' by means of tracing, and if not, fall back to 'still really fast' using Nitro.'"