However, now it appears that it's even pissing off EA employees. Slashdot points out that the editor of got really frustrated over the game kicking him out because his DSL was flakey:
"Booted twice -- and progress lost -- on my single-player C&C4 game because my DSL connection blinked. DRM fail. We need new solutions."
He later warned people to beware if their connection wasn't solid:
"Well. I've tried to be open-minded. But my 'net connection is finicky -- and the constant disruption of my C&C4 SP game makes this unplayable. The story is fun, the gameplay is interesting and different at least -- but if you suffer from shaky/unreliable DSL -- you've been warned."
Perhaps next time EA just focuses on giving people a reason to buy, rather than treating them like they're criminals-to-be?
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