Free Royalty Free Music for Education: "

When creating an audio podcast or a video that uses music tracks, the sure way to avoid any worries about copyright infringement is to use music you created. Unfortunately, often that is not a feasible option for a lot of folks. The next best thing to using music you created is to use Creative Commons licensed music or royalty free music.
Royalty Free Music hosts music tracks that can be reused in numerous ways.
Royalty Free Music charges the general public for their downloads, but students and teachers can download quite a bit of the music for free. To access the free music tracks students and teachers should visit the
education page on Royalty Free Music.
Applications for Education
If you have students creating podcasts, videos, or other multimedia projects Royalty Free Music offers your students music that they can use for free.
Here are some related items that may be of interest to you:
Sound Bible - Free Sound ClipsPodSafe Audio - Sounds for Podcasts
Free Music Archive