Linux dialog utility short tutorial

Linux dialog utility short tutorial: "dialog - display dialog boxes from shell scripts.

'dialog' is a utility for building console-based 'front ends' in UNIX like operating systems.
In this brief tutorial I am mentioning the usage of few important basic controls available with this 'dialog' utility and later I have created a very simple front end application in UNIX bash scripting using dialog.

To install 'dialog' on your ubuntu:

$ apt-get install dialog

Box options available with dialog: (Do a 'man' of dialog to know the usage of each control box)


Checklist box:

A checklist box allows you to present a set of choices to the user and the user can toggle each one on or off individually using the space bar.
A sample one:

$ dialog --checklist 'Choose OS:' 15 40 5 \
1 Linux off \
2 Solaris on \
3 'HP UX' off \
4 AIX off

Radiolist box:

The 'radiolist' control box is same as 'checklist' box.

$ dialog --backtitle 'OS infomration' \
--radiolist 'Select OS:' 10 40 3 \
1 'Linux 7.2' off \
2 'Solaris 9' on \
3 'HPUX 11i' off


The 'inputbox' allows the user to enter a string.

$ dialog --title 'Inputbox - Example' \
--backtitle '' \
--inputbox 'Enter your favourite OS here' 8 50

Menu box:

$ dialog --title 'A dialog Menu Example' \
--menu 'Please choose an option:' 15 55 5 \
1 'Add a record to DB' \
2 'Delete a record from DB' \
3 'Exit from this menu'

A message-box:

$ dialog --title 'Example Dialog message box' \
--msgbox '\n Installation Completed on host7' 6 50

A yesno box:
$ dialog --title 'Confirmation' --yesno 'Want to quit?' 6 20


$ dialog --infobox 'Processing, please wait' 3 34 ; sleep 5

It is a simple file viewer

$ dialog --textbox ~/work/conf.txt 10 4

From the sample application I have created at the end of this post, you will easily learn how to program these dialog boxes i.e. how to capture what user has entered/pressed. The dialog program writes its output to the standard error by default. In most of the dialog controls we redirect the choice user has selected to a tempfile and then process return value of dialog and contents of the tempfile.

Gauge Box:

#A gauge Box example with dialog
while [ $c -ne 110 ]
echo $c
echo '###'
echo '$c %'
echo '###'
sleep 1
) |
dialog --title 'A Test Gauge With dialog' --gauge 'Please wait ....' 10 60 0

Calendar Box:


dat=$(dialog --stdout --title 'My Calendar' \
--calendar 'Select a date:' 0 0 25 12 2009)

case $? in
echo 'You have entered: $dat' ;;
echo 'You have pressed Cancel' ;;
echo 'Box closed' ;;

Time Box:


tim=$(dialog --stdout --title 'A TimeBox' \
--timebox 'Set the time:' 0 0 10 13 59)

case $? in
echo 'You have set: $tim' ;;
echo 'You have pressed Cancel' ;;
echo 'Box closed' ;;

A sample application:


$ cat /home/user9/work/conf.txt

The following bash script using dialog utility will facilitate a simple interface to view or edit the content of the above config file.

#A sample application using UNIX/Linux dialog utility
#Auto-size with height and width = 0 of the dialog controls


trap 'rm -f $tempfile1 $tempfile2 $tempfile3' 0 1 2 5 15

_edit () {
items=$(awk -F\: '{print $1,$2}' $file)
dialog --title 'A Sample Application' \
--menu "What you want to change :" 0 0 0 $items 2> $tempfile1

parameter=$(cat $tempfile1)

[ $retval -eq 0 ] && tochange=$parameter || return 1

val=$(awk -F\: -v x=$tochange '$1==x {print $2}' $file)
dialog --clear --title 'Inputbox - Test' \
--inputbox "Enter new value($tochange)" 0 0 $val 2> $tempfile2

dialog --title 'Confirmation' --yesno 'Commit ?' 0 0
case $? in
0) newval=$(cat $tempfile2)
awk -v x=$tochange -v n=$newval '
BEGIN {FS=OFS=':'}$1==x {$2=n} {print}
' $file > $file.tmp
mv $file.tmp $file
1|255) dialog --infobox 'No Changes done' 0 0
sleep 2
dialog --textbox $file 0 0

_main () {
dialog --title 'A sample application' \
--menu 'Please choose an option:' 15 55 5 \
1 'View the config file' \
2 'Edit config file' \
3 "Exit from this menu" 2> $tempfile3

choice=$(cat $tempfile3)
[ $retv -eq 1 -o $retv -eq 255 ] && exit

case $choice in
1) dialog --textbox $file 0 0
2) _edit
_main ;;
3) exit ;;


Dialog utility home page
