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Does French Three Strikes Law Also Mandate Movie Release Windows?
Does French Three Strikes Law Also Mandate Movie Release Windows?: "The EFF points us to a story claiming that the Blu-ray edition of the movie Avatar is being released earlier than the studio would like due to France's three strikes law. The article claims that, while most folks have concentrated on the three strikes part, the law also requires limited release windows, such that studios need to release films on DVD within a certain time period after theatrical release. I certainly had not heard this, and some challenged the claim in the comments, but the original blogger points to the specific language in the statute. While some others point out that the window for release is pretty large (longer than pretty much every other movie ever uses), it makes you wonder why France is legislating this at all. I'm all for shorter movie release windows -- and think studios should get rid of the windows for the most part -- but I can't fathom how it could make sense to mandate a specific time for release windows in the law.
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