Linux gamers rejoice! Time for a revolution. Remember how you used to complain about most games not being able to run on Linux because they use DirectX? Well, complaints be gone! I have written an extensive tutorial explaining how to configure DirectX 9.0c in Linux using Wine, topped by a lovely Tropico 3 game demonstration. Must see."
How to install DirectX in Linux using Wine
How to install DirectX in Linux using Wine: "
Linux gamers rejoice! Time for a revolution. Remember how you used to complain about most games not being able to run on Linux because they use DirectX? Well, complaints be gone! I have written an extensive tutorial explaining how to configure DirectX 9.0c in Linux using Wine, topped by a lovely Tropico 3 game demonstration. Must see."
Linux gamers rejoice! Time for a revolution. Remember how you used to complain about most games not being able to run on Linux because they use DirectX? Well, complaints be gone! I have written an extensive tutorial explaining how to configure DirectX 9.0c in Linux using Wine, topped by a lovely Tropico 3 game demonstration. Must see."