If you’re a nature lover you definitely going to like this collection. This post highlights 25 of the most stunning shots of nature photography. There are plethora of places and scenes on this earth we must at least see for once. Nature photography tends to put a more importance on the aesthetic value of the image than other types of photography. Most nature photographers prefer no human present in their photos, they want to attain pure, immaculate landscapes that are devoid of human influence. Below we present to you a collection of nature photography shots that would really took your breath away.
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Full list after jump.
Autumn by poolside | Better Photo
Nature | Socwall
Canadian Rokies | Mattaweb
Red Planet | Low Approach
Yosemite Winter Storm | Tarzan Panorama
20 mins copyfiltered | Incredimazing
Horseshoe Bend | Wikipedia
Landscape | Veryveryfun
Farewell to fall | Photosight
Nature | wp.li.ru
"I just told you my dreams.." | Bighugelabs
Crater Lake | Photosight
National Parks | Veryveryfun
Tree Of Light | Low Approach
Mossbrae Falls | Lighttheexpedition
Glen Canyon Revealed | Frogview
Snow lake | 1x
Mountains | Panoramio
Azalea | Best quality wallpapers
Athabasca | lamus.com
Andalusian landscape | Gornabanja
Sherman Tree | Watchthisspace
Loch Morlich and the Cairngorms | Freeskiing