Rushers Blog » Blog Archive » Make Ubuntu kinda like Gentoo.

Rushers Blog » Blog Archive » Make Ubuntu kinda like Gentoo.: "Make Ubuntu kinda like Gentoo.

The script below will tell Ubuntu to compile all the system updates. Before running the script, please install apt-build first (apt-get install apt-build). The benefit of compiling your updates from source will leave you with an optimized system for your hardware. Since most CPU’s are not used for their potential, why not do something when your “not actually doing something” ?

After installing apt-build, please run dpkg-reconfigure apt-build so that your sources and cpu is configured properly.

In /etc/apt/apt-build.conf, please adjust the following line to the amount of cores in your cpu: (The numerical value should be # of cores + 1)

make_options = ” -j4″


apt-build update
dpkg –get-selections | awk ‘{if ($2 == “install”) print $1}’> /etc/apt/apt-build.list
apt-build upgrade –force-yes –yes"