At this past Ubuntu Developer Summit in Dallas, the idea was brought up to create a “beginners day,” similar to Open Week, teaching new Ubuntu users the basics of using Ubuntu. Myself, along with Elizabeth Krumbach, Penelope Stowe and Mark Cox volunteered to take the lead on this project. We have worked over the past month or so to plan and create the very first User Day on January 23, 2010. The times for the first User Day are currently set at 1200 UTC with the last course being offered at 0100 UTC.
The idea behind this is to take users from no knowledge of how to use Ubuntu, to installing it, finding programs that are equivalent to the programs they used in either a Windows or Mac environment, the basics of running Ubuntu, and how to get help when it is needed.
I would like to thank all of the volunteers who have offered to teach courses for our first User Day.
Please check out the User Days website for more information.