As I’m getting more and more into using Google Wave, I’m coming to appreciate its collaborative value. The only way that I’m using it right now is as follows: I come up with an idea. I want another opinion about the idea. I write it up in Wave. I share it with others and get them to collaborate with me.
There might be other ways to be using it. You might be hosting weekly chats and/or writing blogs in there, or whatever. That’s all swell. So far, the way that I’m using it differently than email (because NO, I don’t feel it’s a replacement for email – at least not in its current state), is in collaborating on something fluid that will eventually be static.
What’s worked well for me, so far, is as follows.
Tips for Google Wave
- Make two or three “sections” inside the wave, making the “main body” section the “top” one, where all the “official” work goes on.
- Make the “second” section of the wave be the “chat” section, where you talk back and forth “outside” the document.
- Make the “third” section of the wave be the “scratch” section, where you keep bits of ideas.
- Use folders heavily.
- Use tags heavily.
- Keep collaboration down to a few people (too many cooks, that sorta thing).
In this method, I’m working on planning out my new business, working on a new book with Julien, and a few other projects. I did a few proposals with Justin for New Marketing Labs that way, too.
And You?
What’s worked well for you so far?