What is the codename of the current stable release?
This is the only compulsory question with the intention to block spammers. The correct codename is Lenny but I have accepted almost any answer that is somehow related to Debian. Version numbers, names from Sarge to Experimental, even well known codenames and version numbers from Ubuntu have been counted as correct. 22 partipants answered wrongly and their submissions got removed from the result set. A whopping number of 3258 submissions have been accepted and get analyzed now. Thanks to all participants!How long have you been using Debian?
- 33.6% answered 6 - 10 years
- 32.7% answered 2 - 5 years
- 16.6% answered more than 10 years
- 15.5% answered 0 - 2 years
- 1.7% did not answer
On what kind of hardware are you using Debian?
Multiple answers are allowed for this question and that is why the values do not sum up to 100%.
- 80.5% are using Debian on the desktop
- 62.4% on the server
- 56.9% on the notebook
- 21.7% on the netbook
- 11.6% on embedded device(s)
- 3.2% on other device(s)
Do you contribute to Debian?
- 50.0% choose answer #5: I don't contribute on a regular base.
- 31.2% choose answer #4: I'm regularly helping other Debian users.
- 8.0% choose other (see below) or simply did not answer
- 4.9% choose answer #3: I'm regularly contributing to Debian packages without uploading them by myself.
- 4.5% choose answer #1: I'm a Debian developer.
- 1.4% choose answer #2: I'm a Debian maintainer.
- upstream developer or contributor
- translator
- bug reporter
- advocator
- former DD or DM
- prospective DD or DM
- mirror maintainer
- package/installer tester
- documentation writer
- donator or debconf sponsor
- debconf organizer or helper
How do you think about the Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG)?
- 46.0% choose answer #2: I like the DFSG but it is not the most important reason for using Debian.
- 36.6% choose answer #1: The DFSG is very important to me. I could live with many changes in Debian but I would be very upset if Debian would allow non-free software into its main component in the future.
- 10.1% choose answer #3: I don't know.
- 4.9% choose answer #4: I don't care.
- 2.4% did not answer.
Are you using Debian derived distributions, too?
Multiple answers are allowed for this question and that is why the values do not sum up to 100%. There were a lot of different answers but the most frequent are:
- 47.1%: Ubuntu (Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu)
- 40.8%: no answer; this was the only way to say that someone does not use a derived distribution
- 11.0%: other (see below)
- 7.0%: damn small linux
- 4.8%: Sidux
- 4.3%: grml (juxlala)
- 2.2%: Knoppix
- 1.6%: ELive
- 1.4%: Maemo
- to be continued -