We may be halfway through February already, but that doesn't mean it's too late to look back at the past 10 years and ponder what has been. No indeed! Bloggers did plenty of backward-gazing last month as well, of course, but recently a fresh example came up that caught Linux Girl's attention. 'Best Linux distributions of the decade' was the title of Jun Auza's post, which kicked up quite a flurry of excitement in the already snow-covered blogosphere. 'There's no doubt that Ubuntu is the best Linux distribution of the last decade,' he concluded."
Will the Decade's Best Distros Please Stand Up?
Will the Decade's Best Distros Please Stand Up?: "
We may be halfway through February already, but that doesn't mean it's too late to look back at the past 10 years and ponder what has been. No indeed! Bloggers did plenty of backward-gazing last month as well, of course, but recently a fresh example came up that caught Linux Girl's attention. 'Best Linux distributions of the decade' was the title of Jun Auza's post, which kicked up quite a flurry of excitement in the already snow-covered blogosphere. 'There's no doubt that Ubuntu is the best Linux distribution of the last decade,' he concluded."
We may be halfway through February already, but that doesn't mean it's too late to look back at the past 10 years and ponder what has been. No indeed! Bloggers did plenty of backward-gazing last month as well, of course, but recently a fresh example came up that caught Linux Girl's attention. 'Best Linux distributions of the decade' was the title of Jun Auza's post, which kicked up quite a flurry of excitement in the already snow-covered blogosphere. 'There's no doubt that Ubuntu is the best Linux distribution of the last decade,' he concluded."