Ho, Windows 7 works on Netbooks ? How slow and can we call them netbooks ?

Hey, I'm a customer. What's the speed differende between Linux and Windows 7 and how much extra do I have to pay ?

Choice and compatibility -> Great that the Netbook is compatible with Windows !

Familiarity -> Oh, good nothing to learn, really nothing to learn ?

Peace of mind -> Oh wonderful, no more viruses, crashes, malware, spyware.

No more added costs. Great. Oh, there are some ... Tell me.

Oh , now we get the truth.

In Linux everything is bad.

No compatibilty with anything. Oh , hey wait a sec.

So Linux has nothing of the above, well, I won't bother looking at it. And Windows 7 has my favorite antivirus installed by default and I don't have to install it afterwards. And I have all the drivers immediately ? Yes, no .... ?

Right : Linux has only support for 3000 printers + another 1170 and doesn't need drivers
Linux has support for all regular USB webcams and video cameras, again without the need for drivers.
Itunes, Quicken, Photoshop and Office 2007 are supported by WINE (Linux).

So Linux has no stickers :-)

Easy to learn ? -> The message is, if you can point and click (and maybe use a keyboard you'll get by) -> That's a false statement, working with a computer requires learning it.

More support -> So it's included in the price, whenever somethings goed wrong I phone you guys ? Or Microsoft ?

No, Ah, I see, I have to ask other Windows users. So Linux is bad, because there are no users and there's no support.

Same great experience -> Boomerang :-)

FUD and to disgusted to react to these outright LIES !

And the next one is even scandalous !

Hahahahahahahahahahaha .......................... :-)

Both excruciatingly wrong. BTW MS parental control does block Google, but not the real porn sites. "What a wonderful world".

Microsoft has it facts straight. Only from their viewpoint, which is normal.