The Ultimate Guide To Gmail [PDF]

The Ultimate Guide To Gmail [PDF]: "

Email – a tool on the internet that has changed everybody’s lives. The majority of us probably have at least one email account, and some of may even have 2, 3, 4, or even more than that. People use email everyday whether it be for work, school, or our personal lives. But what email provider is best for you? Gmail seems to be the preferred choice for many.

Today, we will be focusing on Gmail or sometimes called Google Mail, and present MakeUseOf’s Ultimate Guide To Gmail written by Taty Sena from SimplyTatyDesigns.

Inside the 34 page eBook you will learn:

  • The history of Gmail and how it began

  • Why you should choose Gmail over another email provider

  • How to use Gmail, manage and organize your emails

  • Getting the most out of Gmail

  • Instructions on how to use Gmail with other email providers

  • Links to best Gmail tips and hacks.

  • Access Gmail on a mobile device

  • Gmail Buzz

  • And much more…

This guide will help you to switch from your current email provider to Gmail and shows you how to make most of it. That being said, if you already use Gmail, why not have a quick look of last few chapters that have a few handy tips even for advanced users.

So get your Gmail game on and download MakeUseOf’s Ultimate Guide To Gmail now or read it online at Scribd.

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