Oscar winning Lightworks Open-Source Video editor –IS- Coming to Linux

Oscar winning Lightworks Open-Source Video editor –IS- Coming to Linux: "

Several weeks back we reported on the announcement that Oscar winning Video Editor ‘Lightworks’ was to become open-source.

At the time of the announcement it was unclear as to whether Lightworks open-sourcing would lead to a Linux version. Today we have the answer: Yes.

In a update today from Editshare – the company who own Lightworks – the following answer was given: -

  • “We have received a lot of questions about OS support for Lightworks. Currently Lightworks runs on Windows 7 and Windows XP. One of the drivers for taking Lightworks Open Source is to encourage other developers to get involved and help us take Lightworks cross-platform. Our intention is to port it to Linux and OSX. We’ll be discussing more about this with developers in the upcoming weeks.”

The first freely available version of Lightworks will be available in the Autumn however it is unlikely that a Linux port would be suitably ready by then but the fact the company have a Linux version of this award-winning editor on the horizon in the first place is, for me at least, comfort enough!

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