Thanks to Roy Schestowitz of TechRIGHTS, my attention was drawn to this article. I am sure TechRIGHTS will be covering the topic in more depth so you may want to check out the site shortly.
It is being written over at ZDnet by Mary Jo Foley that the battery complaint (in respect of battery reporting low) that was seen on some forums that
Microsoft officials said at that time that there weren’t any battery-related problems of note
Well she now reports that those “non-problems” have been fixed.
She later says:
Microsoft published a Knowledge Base article that points to BIOS refreshes now available from LG that will fix false “battery is low” reports.
So thats good news eh? The problem that didn’t exist is now finally fixed. You can read the ZDnet article here.
I think that says it all and maybe further shows why Microsoft were keen to award an MVP status that I wrote about in the previous article.
Goblin –
If you are new to this blog (or have not yet read it) please take time to view the Openbytes statement, here.