First results are now available as a tech preview.
The Ubuntu One KDE client is a small application that lives in your system tray (the thing next to your clock). It notifies you when a new transfers from or to the Ubuntu One server have been started and when they are finished.
Additionally it will show up whenever there is a problem with the connection.
You can get an impression of what it does from the two prototype sceencasts
What can you expect from this preview?
Crashes, startup failures and missing functionallity, as to be expected from a tech preview.
Please note that this preview is directly based of a prototype, so the internals are most likely to change a lot.
Still here?
You can get the client from a special PPA. Just add the source lines and install ubuntuone-client-kde. Before you do anything you need to run the GNOME client (ubuntuone-client-applet) at least once to obtain authentication from the Ubuntu One server, then you can just quit the GNOME client and start the KDE one (you need to start it with --nofork or it will not work).
I have also create a screencast showing all that.
Once authentication is implemented an the client works properly I'll take a look into implementing Dolphin integration (most likely via a kio slave, due to lack of other options). Meanwhile the Desktop CouchDB Akonadi resources get finsihed. So we will hopefully have meaningful integration into the KDE Platform by the time Kubuntu 10.04 LTS gets released.
Interesting times lie ahead!