So you have written this sexy app that does all these sexy things and works nice withe KDE. You are usually using Debian and want to make a Debian package for your application, of course.
You usually start out with this line :
dh_make -e -c gplv3 -f ../app_1.0.tar.gz -s -p app-1.0
This will usually do the following:
dh_make: make a subdirectory called debian/ in your programs root directory
-e sets the packager email-address to
-c gplv3: sets the license to the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
-f ../app_1.0.tar.gz: makes the package ../app_1.0.tar.gz to the base package for the Debian package.
-s: defines it as a single binary
-p app-1.0: defines the package name as app-1.0
So now everything is fine you got your /debian directory Yay! But now you start editing debian/control to set the dependencies the package type and so on and so forth.
But now you get to this debian/rules file. As your KDE application obviously uses cmake you know what to do to usually build a cmake application.
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake ..
And if you want to install it of course:
sudo make install
But now you want to apply this to your debian/ile which doesn’t do that. During the hole packaging process
dpkg-buildpackage stays fulltime in your packages root directory and throws ” seems to have no CMakeLists.txt ” at you.
Now you have 2 options. (1) Screw up your root directory with temp and build stuff from cmake or (2) do replace the
debian/rules code with this:
#!/usr/bin/make -f
# -*- makefile -*-include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/
include /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/makefiles/1/cdbs/
#if you have docs as manpages
DEB_INSTALL_MANPAGES_ = appname.1build/appname:
#if you have docbook stuff
docbook2x-man debian/appname.1.docbookinstall/appname::
rm debian/appname/usr/lib/*.soclean::
rm -f appname.1
This will do the trick to install the application according to CMakeLists.txt and will do what you want.
If this comes up along the comments: CPack is not applicable for the packaging of debian packages as they are not matching the rules of the debian packaging system.