dis is u wen u drink beer
dis iz mah hoomin wen he drinks.
Picture by: dunno source Caption by: carney.kate via Our LOL Builder
Een site met verzamelde nieuwsberichten voor de cursisten en leerkrachten van www.linuxleren.be
dis is u wen u drink beer
dis iz mah hoomin wen he drinks.
Picture by: dunno source Caption by: carney.kate via Our LOL Builder
Not much more to say. Have a look:
Think you can make a better fast-booting, Chrome-focused OS than Google? Want to craft a custom Linux system that boots from a USB stick? SUSE Studio gives you 15 GB to do exactly that, and you do it all online.
SUSE Studio is what powered the fan-made 'Chrome OS' we posted yesterday, which, in that case, was a semi-stripped-down system loaded with the developers' version of Chrome, Google webapp links, and OpenOffice. If speed and cloud computing aren't your bag, you can create a fully functional system with Firefox, 3D graphics, and whatever apps you can find installed. Want your system to start up with an AWN dock and Launchy keystroke launcher running? Not a problem.
Even if you don't know all that much about Linux, it's pretty easy to build a system you can boot from a USB stick or live CD/DVD, run inside a virtual machine program, or actually install it—or, heck, even test it out in your web browser.
Here's a basic walkthrough of building a system with SUSE Studio. In this case, we're looking to build a GNOME-based system that would boot fairly quick and use Chrome for most of its functions, and use GNOME-Do as the primary application launcher.
First things first, you'll need to grab an invitation and account from SUSE Studio. While it's invite-only at the moment, I received my invite only 10 minutes after registering and filling out a quick survey that suggested it would boost my invite reply time. Once your invite arrives, you can sign into SUSE Studio with your Google or Yahoo account, or any OpenID provider. Not sure how to nab an OpenID? Here's a quick video tutorial.
Once you're signed in, head to your 'Home' screen and click the 'Create new appliance' link in the upper-right. SUSE Studio calls each bootable system you create an 'appliance' throughout the process. You'll be asked to choose your 'base template,' which includes the GNOME and KDE desktops, a Just Enough OS (jeOS) option, and server or command-line-only choices. Most folks will want to lean toward GNOME or KDE setups, as they're the most familiar graphical environments. If you're familiar with Linux enough to know how to build a login manager and desktop from a command line system, though, go ahead and play around—you can't really hurt anything.
This is the real meat and potatoes of creating a system. Click the 'Software' tab and check out the packages already going into your system.
Based on your selection of a GNOME desktop, and SUSE Studio assuming you want the Linux basics needed to boot, a few packages and repositories are already installed for you. They're based on a basic installation of OpenSUSE, but you could wipe the slate clean and start over with another RPM-based repository, if you so chose.
If you wanted to add Firefox to your system, simply search for it in the search bar farther down the page. Results from the repositories you've chosen appear, and you can click "Add+" to load them into your system, with dependencies and other needed packages automatically included. What if you don't see something you know runs on Linux—like, say, Google Chrome? Find an RPM-formatted package, like those I found at Ben Kevan's blog, or add in a repository URL that carries regular updates. Generally, a good Google search for the name of your program and 'OpenSUSE' should yield fruit. Hit the 'Upload and Manage RPMs' link near the top of the Software page, and you'll be able to upload from your computer, or point to a file on the web. What's really neat is, once you upload your RPM files, you'll have a special repository created for you that can be loaded into any system you build with SUSE Studio.
Once you're done tinkering with your apps, head over to the Configuration tab to mess with your eye candy and determine how your system will boot up. Start at the 'General' sub-section, making sure to change the user name at bottom to something other than 'Tux' and change the password away from the standard 'linux.' You can set how you want your system to find a network connection (anything other than the manual or no-network options should be fine), and whether to enable a firewall.
The Personalize section only has two parameters, but who doesn't like to see their own logos and backgrounds stamped on a system? Next over, make sure the 'Startup' section has you set to boot into a graphical login. Under 'Desktop,' you can set the OS to automatically boot to a desktop for faster start-up times, and the 'Configuration' field lets those planning to install to a disk or USB drive, or run in a virtual machine, fine-tune their memory and disk use settings. 'Overlay files' and 'Scripts' can mostly be skipped, unless you've got documents you need to have in your test system or already work at a high level of Linux knowledge.
The 'Build' section is where you get the good stuff. Pick the format you'd like to download, whether an ISO for creating a CD/DVD, a disk image for hard disk or USB transfer, or a ready-made virtual machine file for VirtualBox or VMWare. Choose your format, set a version number, and that build will always be available for downloading or 'cloning.' Not quite sure what to do with the files you received? Here's SUSE Studio's guide to using SUSE Studio appliances—though we'd certainly welcome more tips, especially on imaging USB drives with .RAW image files, in the comments.
Don't have the time or patience to burn a CD or install a new virtual machine? SUSE Studio actually lets you run your custom-built appliances on their own virtualization servers, for up to one hour, for free. Hit the 'testdrive' link on one of your builds, and wait for it to boot up.
I was fairly impressed with the performance of a virtual machine I created entirely online, running on servers likely a world away and controlled entirely through a browser.
Original image | Editable text (result) |
If everything were open source, or one open source implementation controlled a market, would that be an lllegal monopoly?
(Picture from the Tiger Woods Foundation.)
Antitrust law is about more than market share. It’s about using that market share to destroy competition. A monopolist must take an overt action against another company before the Justice Department is going to take a look at it.
IBM’s mainframe monopoly in the 1950s was followed by IBM using its control of designs to keep competitors out of its market. AT&T’s telephone monopoly in the 1960s was followed by its trying to prevent the creation of MCI. Microsoft’s monopoly in the 1990s was followed by its bundling Internet Explorer to destroy Netscape.
You have to control the market and use that control to abuse other entrants before lawyers toss the monopoly grenade at you.
Let’s put it this way. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is large and powerful. It is bigger, relative to its foundation brethren, than any other charitable foundation ever.
Now Tiger Woods also has a foundation. It had an event near my home yesterday. It involved teens, and goal-setting. The only way for Tiger to have a beef against the Gates folks would be if they tied-up all the teens in the country, actually preventing Tiger from helping any.
I doubt Tiger would be upset in that case. It’s only if he’s prevented from helping anyone by the dominant foundation’s actions that he might have call to become angry. It’s not going to happen.
An open source monopoly is simply not a barrier to competition. Even if a GPL program had market dominance you could still compete with it.
The whole question is silly except for our friend Matt Asay’s realization that foundations are a stable form of open source governance. I have no monopoly on that. I don’t even have a business model for it. All I have is what Tiger would offer if the Gates Foundation solved all teenagers’ problems.
An attaboy.
"chmod +x ./Livestation-[version].run and press enter
./Livestation-[version].run again press enter
Next press q to skip the readme and y to accept the terms following the prompts on the screen to complete the install.
Once installed, just type Livestaion at the terminal to run the app.
That's it. Enjoy all the channels you can. Cheers.